2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - Latest


Council TypeCounty
ONS CodeE10000031
Election ModelALL ?
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Current MajorityCON



Warwickshire Councillors

NamePartyWardEnd of Term
Peter ButlinConservative and UnionistAdmirals & Cawston2025
Piers DaniellConservative and UnionistAlcester2025
Clare GolbyConservative and UnionistArbury2025
Ian ShentonConservative and UnionistArden2025
Mejar SinghConservative and UnionistAtherstone2025
Richard Baxter-PayneConservative and UnionistAttleborough2025
Andrew WrightConservative and UnionistBaddesley & Dordon2025
Brian HammersleyConservative and UnionistBedworth Central2025
Bhagwant PandherConservative and UnionistBedworth East2025
Sue MarkhamConservative and UnionistBedworth North2025
Peter GilbertConservative and UnionistBedworth West2025
Sarah FeeneyLabour PartyBenn2025
Daren PembertonConservative and UnionistBidford & Welford2025
Kam KaurConservative and UnionistBilton & Hillside2025
Jill Simpson-VinceConservative and UnionistBrownsover & Coton Park2025
Jan MateckiConservative and UnionistBudbrooke & Bishop's Tachbrook2025
Jeff MorganConservative and UnionistBulkington & Whitestone2025
Brett BeethamConservative and UnionistCamp Hill2025
Martin WatsonConservative and UnionistColeshill North & Water Orton2025
Dave HumphreysConservative and UnionistColeshill South & Arley2025
Wallace RedfordConservative and UnionistCubbington & Leek Wootton2025
Dale KeelingConservative and UnionistDunsmore & Leam Valley2025
Heather TimmsConservative and UnionistEarl Craven2025
Jerry RoodhouseLiberal DemocratsEastlands2025
Christopher KettleConservative and UnionistFeldon2025
Adrian WarwickConservative and UnionistFosse2025
Mandy TromansConservative and UnionistGalley Common2025
Margaret BellConservative and UnionistHartshill & Mancetter2025
Yousef DahmashConservative and UnionistHillmorton2025
Tracey DrewGreen Party (E&W)Kenilworth Park Hill2025
Richard SpencerConservative and UnionistKenilworth St. John's2025
Chris MillsConservative and UnionistKineton & Red Horse2025
Andy JennsConservative and UnionistKingsbury2025
John CookeConservative and UnionistLapworth & West Kenilworth2025
Jonathan ChilversGreen Party (E&W)Leamington Brunswick2025
Sarah MillarLabour PartyLeamington Clarendon2025
Bill GiffordLiberal DemocratsLeamington Milverton2025
Sarah BoadLiberal DemocratsLeamington North2025
Will RobertsGreen Party (E&W)Leamington Willes2025
Barbara BrownLabour PartyNew Bilton & Overslade2025
Caroline PhillipsLabour PartyNuneaton Abbey2025
Jeff ClarkeConservative and UnionistNuneaton East2025
Marian HumphreysConservative and UnionistPolesworth2025
Jo BarkerConservative and UnionistShipston2025
Andy CrumpConservative and UnionistSoutham, Stockton & Napton2025
Jack KennaughConservative and UnionistStockingford2025
Isobel SeccombeConservative and UnionistStour & the Vale2025
Tim SinclairConservative and UnionistStratford North2025
Kate RolfeLiberal DemocratsStratford South2025
Jenny FradgleyLiberal DemocratsStratford West2025
Justin KerridgeConservative and UnionistStudley2025
Jackie D'ArcyLabour PartyWarwick North2025
Parminder BirdiConservative and UnionistWarwick South2025
John HollandLabour PartyWarwick West2025
Robert TromansConservative and UnionistWeddington2025
Penny-Anne O'DonnellConservative and UnionistWellesbourne2025
Judy FalpIndependent / OtherWhitnash2025

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