2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - Latest

North Lanarkshire

Council TypeScotland
ONS CodeS12000050
Election ModelALL ?
Administrative ModelLeader and Cabinet ?
Council SourceURL
Current MajorityNOC
Current ControlLAB min



North Lanarkshire Councillors

NamePartyWardEnd of Term
Jim LogueLabour PartyAirdrie Central2027
Chris CostelloLabour PartyAirdrie Central2027
Janice TonerScottish National Party (SNP)Airdrie Central2027
Lesley JarvieScottish National Party (SNP)Airdrie Central2027
Richard SullivanScottish National Party (SNP)Airdrie North2027
Sophia CoyleIndependent / OtherAirdrie North2027
Henry DunbarLabour PartyAirdrie North2027
Alan BeveridgeIndependent / OtherAirdrie North2027
Michael McBrideLabour PartyAirdrie South2027
Michael CoyleIndependent / OtherAirdrie South2027
Sandy WatsonConservative and UnionistAirdrie South2027
Paul Di MascioIndependent / OtherAirdrie South2027
Angela CampbellIndependent / OtherBellshill2027
Lisa StubbsScottish National Party (SNP)Bellshill2027
Anne McCroryLabour PartyBellshill2027
Pat PattonLabour PartyBellshill2027
William ShieldsIndependent / OtherCoatbridge North2027
Kirsten LarsonScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge North2027
Allan StubbsScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge North2027
Alexander McVeyLabour PartyCoatbridge North2027
Andrew BustardLabour PartyCoatbridge South2027
Geraldine WoodsLabour PartyCoatbridge South2027
Tracy CarragherScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge South2027
Fergus MacGregorScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge South2027
Lesley MitchellScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge West2027
Gary RobinsonScottish National Party (SNP)Coatbridge West2027
Kevin DochertyLabour PartyCoatbridge West2027
Adam SmithScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld East2027
Tom JohnstonScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld East2027
Barry McCullochLabour PartyCumbernauld East2027
Claire BarclayScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld East2027
Tom FisherLabour PartyCumbernauld North2027
Danish AshrafScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld North2027
Alan MastertonScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld North2027
Gordon CurrieConservative and UnionistCumbernauld North2027
Ann BallingerScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld South2027
James McPhilemyLabour PartyCumbernauld South2027
William GoldieScottish National Party (SNP)Cumbernauld South2027
Peter McDadeLabour PartyCumbernauld South2027
Martin McCullochLabour PartyFortissat2027
Margaret HughesScottish National Party (SNP)Fortissat2027
Clare QuigleyLabour PartyFortissat2027
John LeckieBritish Unionist PartyFortissat2027
Joanne KeltieScottish National Party (SNP)Gartcosh, Glenboig and Moodiesburn2027
Greg LennonIndependent / OtherGartcosh, Glenboig and Moodiesburn2027
Michael McPakeLabour PartyGartcosh, Glenboig and Moodiesburn2027
Denis JohnstonScottish National Party (SNP)Kilsyth2027
Heather Brannan-McVeyLabour PartyKilsyth2027
Jean JonesLabour PartyKilsyth2027
Jim ReddinLabour PartyMossend and Holytown2027
Beth BaudoLabour PartyMossend and Holytown2027
Helena GrayLabour PartyMossend and Holytown2027
Andrew Duffy-LawsonLabour PartyMotherwell North2027
Ayeshah KhanLabour PartyMotherwell North2027
Gerry BrennanIndependent / OtherMotherwell North2027
Anne ThomasScottish National Party (SNP)Motherwell North2027
Kenneth DuffyLabour PartyMotherwell South East and Ravenscraig2027
Nathan WilsonConservative and UnionistMotherwell South East and Ravenscraig2027
Kaye HarmonLabour PartyMotherwell South East and Ravenscraig2027
David RobbScottish National Party (SNP)Motherwell South East and Ravenscraig2027
Paul KellyLabour PartyMotherwell West2027
Lorraine NolanConservative and UnionistMotherwell West2027
David CrichtonIndependent / OtherMotherwell West2027
Nicky ShevlinLabour PartyMurdostoun2027
Cameron McManusIndependent / OtherMurdostoun2027
Louise RoartyLabour PartyMurdostoun2027
Robert McKendrickIndependent / OtherMurdostoun2027
Claire WilliamsScottish Green PartyStepps, Chryston and Muirhead2027
Josh CairnsScottish National Party (SNP)Stepps, Chryston and Muirhead2027
John McLarenLabour PartyStepps, Chryston and Muirhead2027
Helen LoughranLabour PartyThorniewood2027
Barry McCluskeyIndependent / OtherThorniewood2027
Margaret BoydLabour PartyThorniewood2027
Frank McKayLabour PartyWishaw2027
Fiona FotheringhamScottish National Party (SNP)Wishaw2027
Jim HumeIndependent / OtherWishaw2027
Bob BurgessConservative and UnionistWishaw2027

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