2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - Latest

Dumfries and Galloway

Council TypeScotland
ONS CodeS12000006
Election ModelALL ?
Administrative ModelLeader and Cabinet ?
Council SourceURL
Current MajorityNOC
Current ControlSNP/LAB/IND/LD



Dumfries and Galloway Councillors

NamePartyWardEnd of Term
Davie StittLabour PartyAbbey2027
Kim LoweScottish National Party (SNP)Abbey2027
Ian BlakeConservative and UnionistAbbey2027
Denis MaleIndependent / OtherAnnandale East and Eskdale2027
Archie DryburghLabour PartyAnnandale East and Eskdale2027
Karen CarruthersConservative and UnionistAnnandale East and Eskdale2027
Gail MacgregorConservative and UnionistAnnandale North2027
Stephen ThompsonScottish National Party (SNP)Annandale North2027
Lynne DavisConservative and UnionistAnnandale North2027
Carolyne WilsonLabour PartyAnnandale North2027
George JamiesonScottish National Party (SNP)Annandale South2027
Richard BrodieLiberal DemocratsAnnandale South2027
Ian CarruthersConservative and UnionistAnnandale South2027
Sean MarshallLabour PartyAnnandale South2027
Pauline DrysdaleConservative and UnionistCastle Douglas and Crocketford2027
John YoungScottish National Party (SNP)Castle Douglas and Crocketford2027
Iain HowieIndependent / OtherCastle Douglas and Crocketford2027
John DenerleyConservative and UnionistDee and Glenkens2027
Dougie CampbellIndependent / OtherDee and Glenkens2027
Andy McFarlaneScottish National Party (SNP)Dee and Glenkens2027
Linda DorwardLabour PartyLochar2027
Maureen JohnstoneConservative and UnionistLochar2027
Tracey LittleScottish National Party (SNP)Lochar2027
Ivor HyslopConservative and UnionistLochar2027
Jim DempsterIndependent / OtherMid and Upper Nithsdale2027
Andrew WoodConservative and UnionistMid and Upper Nithsdale2027
Tony BerrettiScottish National Party (SNP)Mid and Upper Nithsdale2027
Katie HagmannScottish National Party (SNP)Mid Galloway and Wigtown West2027
Jackie McCamonConservative and UnionistMid Galloway and Wigtown West2027
David InglisConservative and UnionistMid Galloway and Wigtown West2027
Richard MarshConservative and UnionistMid Galloway and Wigtown West2027
Keith WaltersLabour PartyNith2027
Malcolm JohnstoneConservative and UnionistNith2027
David SlaterIndependent / OtherNith2027
John CampbellScottish National Party (SNP)Nith2027
Andy FergusonScottish National Party (SNP)North West Dumfries2027
Graham BellConservative and UnionistNorth West Dumfries2027
Paula StevensonLabour PartyNorth West Dumfries2027
Emma JordanLabour PartyNorth West Dumfries2027
Chrissie HillConservative and UnionistStranraer and the Rhins2027
Andrew GiustiConservative and UnionistStranraer and the Rhins2027
Willie ScobieIndependent / OtherStranraer and the Rhins2027
Ben DashperScottish National Party (SNP)Stranraer and the Rhins2027

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